Blogger Opportunities

Looking for a way to increase followers, and boost your ratings? Here are some great opportunities available to fellow bloggers. Be sure to say Chelsea from My And My Handful sent you! 

Winner will Receive:

3 days and 2 nights of accommodations for 2 to beautiful Orlando Florida!

Sign Up Here!

One FREE Link with blog announcement post or a fee waiver of $5.

Businesses and personal pages are also able to participate with the $5 fee.

Paid links are available for $2 each.

Email Subscription $3.

Picketfence, Daily Vote or Daily Comments for $5.

Co-Host Spots Available - $15

You will receive any 5 links of your choice on the Rafflecopter and a link to your blog in the giveaway post.

Referral Prize of a free Co Host Spot!

Please mention Me And My Handful when signing up!


  1. Thanks for sharing, I signed up!

  2. Thanks for sharing these... I signed up for a couple of them

  3. Do you have any helpful hints for someone trying to get their blog off the ground? I guess content, content, content first right?

    1. Content is key, but you need people to read your content too, right? I find group giveaways are a great way to start out getting a following going. Balanced with content and promotion. Growth takes time :)
