Thursday, March 28, 2013

PottyCover - Disposable Toilet Seat Covers Review

Every mother has had a moment of dread when taking her child to a stange bathroom. "I have to sit my child on THAT?" You know what I mean, and I bet you are even picturing a bathroom in need of a clean.
When you have a freshly potty trained child, waiting to find another bathroom is not usually an option. So, you grit your teeth, and try to be as quick as possible. Sure, some bathrooms have a place for disposable seat covers, but in all honesty, I have never seen one in there! I question if any businesses actually restock them.
That's where Potty Covers come in!

Potty Covers are a soft, disposable, waterproof toilette seat cover to keep your little one safe from all those unwanted germs. Each cover is individually packaged, making it easy to take with you anywhere, and covers the sides and front of the toilet for your child.

A pack of PottyCover sells for $5.99 and it is available on AmazonEbay, all Buy Buy Baby stores and at select Bed Bath & Beyond stores.

Check out their website at These really are a must have item, especially when you have those little ones that can't wait to get home!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. These look like they would come in VERY handy! I agree that the store-furnished ones are usually all gone. These would be great to stash in the diaper bag for my toddler and his two big brothers!
