Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Some Progess in Both Areas!

This has been a big month in Little C's life. She has pulled her self to stand, eaten a cookie all by her self (That's the really big one for me!) and tomorrow we go see the Geneticist. This is both exciting and scary for me. We have been on the waiting list since last June, when Little C was first diagnosed as disabled. It has been a long wait.

And now, that wait is over.

Now we begin a new chapter, testing. I am very scary for me. I have no idea what kind of tests they will order. I am excited that the wait is over. I am excited to possibly get answers, but realistic. 80% of cases don't get an answer to the question, "What is wrong with our child?" Or the bigger one, "Why?"

When I look at Little C's smiles, none of that matters. I love my sweetie no matter what. And that is what really matters, right?


  1. Little C is a doll! I hope you get some answers, but either way you're blessed to have a little someone to love!

    1. Thank you! So far they just took blood, so we will wait a bit more!

  2. What a cutie! I hope you guys get more answers like it's already been mentioned. :)
