Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thrifty Thursdays: On-line Shopping

My mail man has gotten to know me really well. I am always waiting for packages. I receive so many emails from the stores I shop at, some would think it's all spam. I don't. Some times those emails are gold!

Recently, I ordered some jeans for my boys. They go through jeans quick, and I have discovered that Walmart jeans get holes faster. So I saw an email with $7-$10 jeans and I pounced! Regular $35 bought for $9!

I ordered a wool coat for my husband for $35! Regular price, $95! The savings really add up fast.

Sure, not ever email appeals to me, and some times I glance and delete just to clear my inbox, but when I need savings, these emails come in handy. Nearly every store chains has an email list. Don't be afraid to give out your email address. It can save you more than you would think! These are my favourites, in case you want to sign up for some emails:

The Children's Place
Most emails are 20-30% off and free shipping codes

Old Navy
Announcements of great sales, free shipping and discount codes

Blue Kangroo
It's a pin board of savings, plus you can use the email clean up to keep all your email offers in one place and de-clutter your inbox. LOVING this!!

What's your favourite way to ave money? Do you just look for sales, or try to stay on top of it with emails?


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