Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Baby's Firsts with Natrel Baboo

Baby's first smile, first laugh, first steps. The firsts are always exciting moments you will never forget. Even after 5 children, I still get excited with each first. I remember each first like it was yesterday, even little P's first smile, 9 years ago. 

There is something about a baby's first that everyone can relate to. Everyone know the first milestones Mom's look forward to. The first smile, first laughter, first roll, first crawl, and first steps. We all document it differently. Some in a baby book, or scrap book. Some with a digital album. It is so easy to share baby's firsts with every one we care about.
When Little S smiled, no one believed me, he was only 3 weeks old. I spent the next few days desperately trying to get a picture. It was well worth worth it! Now I can look at my tiny little guy and remember the joy I felt looking down at him. There really is nothing like it in this world.

When Little C smiled 4 years later, it was the same feeling. You rush to get a camera, and try to duplicate the moment. Some times I think they know how bad you want it, and hold back, laughing at you!

The firsts I get most excited about with Little C are a bit different. Since she is disabled, we have yet to get to the first steps, and I am focussing on some practical milestones. The biggest to me is the self feeding. I was able to nurse Little C for 19 months, and was happy to continue, but some factors were leading us to wean. At first, we would not get her to take a bottle, or any cups! She wouldn't take anything, it was maddening. We tried cow's milk, and she wanted no part of it. In desperation, I even tried chocolate milk, hoping for a sweet tooth. No luck. It took so much work to get her to take a sip on her own. The first time I had her pick up a cup, and drink, I was ready to cry! Sometimes we take some milestones for granted. Like drinking from a cup. I never thought I would feel such relief and pride as I did the first time she picked up her cup. When she began eating cookies and snacks, I felt the same joy. I wanted to cry.

One thing that really helped us, was Natrel Baboo. Little C loves their milk. Such a relief to me! No more sugar in the milk! Good nutrition is important to me, and our transition to a cup needed to be a healthy one. Natrel Baboo is a dairy product made with fresh milk specially designed to ensure a smooth transition from breast milk or infant formula to regular milk for toddlers aged 12-24 months. Packed with nutrients like vitamin D, calcium, Omega 3, it is formulated with all the nutritional needs for your toddler. Plus, it is shelf stable, perfect to take on the go!

Visit Natrel on Facebook for a free sample. I am so thankful to have found a product that is healthy for my daughter, and that tastes great. Give it a try!

Disclosure: I am part of the Natrel Baboo Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. your llittle one look so cute i had twin that are disable and both are stilldiable they are in the 30

    1. Thanks. We do what we can for her, we are praying for the est, but happy for each milestone she hits. :)

  2. I've been seeing ads for this product and was wondering about it! I'm going to be recommending this to a friend. Thank you for the review!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. I really do love this product!

  3. Can your babies get any more adorable!

    What a great job you are doing!

    And congrats to her for reaching these milestones!

    1. Than you! I think they are cute too, but I'm a tad biast ;)

  4. Your babies are adorable! There is nothing like those first smiles!

  5. Interesting! I've never heard of this before! Thank you!

  6. I just love babies firsts. I read about this recently and definitely looks like a product to invest in, especially for little ones that are having a hard time converting to regular milk.
