Monday, May 20, 2013

Remodling Time

This post brought to you by Royal Building Products. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you are following my blog, you know I wrote not long ago about wanting to redo the siding on my home.  Our homes say a lot about our personality. We spend so much time deciding on the little things, some times we forget about the big things. 

Right now we have wood siding on our exterior, and the paint is pealing, the colors are not me and don't match the rest of the house. To me, it's an eye sore, and I am searching for ideas. It is so hard to pick new things for my home! I always nervous about the end result.  I am leading toward vinyl siding right now, and picking the right color combinations is challenging.

That is why I love Royal Building Products new Virtual Remodeler. It is so easy to use, and you you can even upload your own photos to see exactly how the colors will look on your home. A big improvement to holding swatches up! I am leaning towards choosing something bold, with curb appeal, something that will "pop." Choosing a bolder color can be risky, and I need to be sure before I buy. What I love on someone else's house, might not look good on my house, The last thing I want is to be staring at something I hate for the next 10 years! 

I love how easy it is to see my colors come to life, right on the site! Our homes are an investment, and we need to make the most out of it. Visit Royal Building Products and try out the Virtual Remodeler. You will be surprised at how simple it is.


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