Monday, May 13, 2013

The Best Mother's Day Gift

Mother's Day for most Moms is breakfast in bed, a day off, a day at the spa maybe. Flowers, cards chocolates, hugs, kisses, just love from the kids. For us, Mother's Day is a bit trickier. Our Sundays are always filled with church activities. We hold 2 services, plus Sunday School, and since we rent a space, we have to set up and clean up. All I ask for is no cooking! This year I received more, much more. Something so special I am tearing up just sharing it with you.

As you may know from past posts, Little C is disabled. We still don't know what the cause is, and we may never know. She shows she understands, but it is usually subtle things,  milk, cookies, Daddy, bye bye.
While she was in the church nursery, the volunteer made Mother's Day cards with the children. She traced their little hands as stems for flowers. That in it self it a wonderful gift, but that is not the gift that makes me teary. I was showing the paper to my brother while holding Little C. She reached out and placed her hand on the hand print. She then repeatedly pointed to the cut out hand print. She remembered it was her hand.  She understood! This is the most amazing thing I have ever felt.

I am so filled with joy over she showing me this. I always question how much she really understands. Now I know. Not all gifts have price tags. Some don't come on a plate, or paper. Some times the best gift is seeing something so precious, and letting it touch you heart a little.
What is the best Mother's Day gift you have ever received?


  1. Awww! That's such a sweet story! The best mother's day gift for me is to just have a day off from mom duties! Breakfast made for mom is always a winner!
